
Ongoing Studies

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Here you will find information about joining ongoing studies that offer emotional support interventions that may be relevant to our community. Please note that Cancer Lifeline is not directly affiliated with any of these studies, nor do we have information other than what has been provided in the descriptions below.


Study Using Mindfulness & Meditation

My name is Helen Kornfeld, and I am a clinical psychology doctoral candidate at Antioch University of Seattle. I am seeking participants 65 and older for my dissertation study, which offers mindfulness and meditative resources to improve connection and well-being. The study includes two brief questionnaires, and a 10-15 minute weekly guided meditation video for 6 weeks. Participation is anonymous and voluntary. Following completion of the survey, participants are entered into a raffle to win a $100 Amazon.com gift card.

If you would like additional information about this study, please contact Helen Kornfeld at [email protected].
